Finally back in town for good after two weekends of traveling up and down the coast!
First stop, beautiful Portland, Oregon for this year's Stumptown Comics Fest, which was--and I say from the bottom of my heart--a good ol' time. Stumptown was my favorite festival from last year and it's my favorite festival from this year. It's just the perfect place to hold this sort of thing. Good setting, good people, and good reading. It warms my heart. Everyone is so charming and talented, I can't help thinking we have so much to look forward to!
And Portland, or course, was gorgeous in October. I felt like such a doofy Californian gushing over every splotch of nature in my path.
More things very soon as I get down to replying to emails and such! For a general Flickr pool of Stumptown 06, go here!