Spent my 9/11 destroying this lovely creature. He winces when he sits, and that suits me just fine. I should take a belt to him every time he insists he isn't pretty. Maybe I can beat some sense into him.
These are from three days ago.
He took this one himself last night.
And I took this one last night as well. This was accidental damage, wraparound from the suede flogger I was using at the time.
He marks beautifully, even if it takes five hours, two hair brushes, a dowel rod, a leather belt, the flogger, a wooden paddle, numerous varied straps and a squared-off piece of wood to do it. The paddle with the thumbtacks works best at drawing blood, naturally. I broke my favorite hairbrush on him. I thought it'd be sturdier than that but evidently not. Snapped it right off where the handle meets the head. I couldn't resist the noise it pulls out of him and had to get another brush to continue with. The belt pinks him up immediately, he was a lovely shade of bright red down to his knees and you could feel the heat from several inches away. The camera never picks it up as beautifully as it looks in life. I should've taken pictures of his face as well, the crying was so hopeless and lovely. Next time I'll make him wear non-waterpoof mascara. He actually tried to fight me several times, I had to sit on him, pin him down to keep him still. It wasn't really his fault, getting hit like that hurts like a motherfucker, but he did a very good job and didn't kick or punch me. He'd have gotten it worse if he had. As it was he had a nice workout for being such a good boy. You should see the trouble he gets in when he actually does something to deserve it.
I'd had some people request for more Steven pictures, so there you are. Proof that he's alive and well, ha. We always manage to have some sort of Game on 9/11, mostly in retaliation against all the incredible stupid the general public insists on racketing about. Oh, the memorials. Oh, the prayer services. Oh waaa. Flags at half mast and waa waa waa. I woke up at noon on 9/11 whatever year that was and knew almost immediately that they weren't going to shut up about this shit for years, if ever. They still haven't shut up about it. They're not going to ever shut up about it. Every September 11 we're going to have to deal with the little parades and the marchy marchy politically correct "oh how horrible. Oh it was such a tragedy. We should elect Bush again so he can combat terrorism some more." How about we leave other countries alone? If we weren't such interfering fucks, people wouldn't feel the need to smack us around once in awhile.
The third anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks is tomorrow and we asked one politically-aware rocker, Marilyn Manson, to comment on it. At a red carpet event earlier this week in New York City, Manson told us that he's tired of politicians who use the September 11th attacks to further their own agendas, and politicians who try to scare people by invoking the threat of even more attacks. It should be noted, though, that Manson claims he doesn't plan to vote this year because he doesn't like either candidate.
THANK you. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Bush paid those guys to fly planes into the towers. Manson's probably as sick of all this racket and booya and back and forth blah blah as I. I can't wait for this "election" to be over.