May 25, 2007 07:26
Ok, so maybe I am just cranky cause I fell through the ceiling yesterday and it hurts, but what the fuck is up with me being the only one who actually stays on the phone in this place?
There were 2 people in a meeting with HR, ok, they get a pass. The 2 people who were signed off their phones sitting over there BSing while there were calls waiting can suck a dick. It's not that I hate my job, I just hate the people I work with. Mondays and Fridays make me hate my job, everyone I work with on the weekends is cool.
I don't understand how you can have a call center where people just sign off their phones for no reason and go wandering around. I might do my share of goofing off when I am not on a call, but at least I am at my desk ready to answer it when it comes in. Now our stats for the day are shot for the day and when Tuesday comes the director is going to come ask me why we had 5 (20%) abandoned calls before 8 AM.
Hmmm, what shall I say?
Take THAT!! I wrote and angry blog entry about it!!! That will show them!
ETA: Hah! We all have HR meetings to fill out anonymous surveys. What a lovely day for that!
Edited to add something else: My raise went through today. This is the only place that has ever processed my raise on time. Too bad I didn't get my check stub before my survey.