so. i went to the cinema

Nov 29, 2013 22:36

After that giant fiasco I was dragged to (the one where Franco played the wonderful, amazing, unbearably useless Oz. Let's not talk about it) ages ago, the cinema and I had not been on the best of terms. There's only ONE in this town, it is accordingly expensive AND rarely shows the films I want to see, and if it does it's only for, like, a week which is not enough time for me to even find out that they are showing my coveted film...

Anyway, I finally got off my ass and went to see Thor 2, because IMAX. And Jane Foster. (And Loki, but shhhh)

Also, I totally called it on Erik's situation. Totally.

That aside made, I just wanted to know who WANTS TO COME SQUEE WITH ME ABOUT THOR 2? We can weep over Frigga's ridic fridging, too.

So, who's with me?

(wow. Most of my icons are Merlin-related. This account has been abandoned for so long, man. It's so out of date, I'm vaguely embarrassed, tbh)

i demand euphoria, popcorn, chicken soup for the soul, cinnamon buns

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