As promised, some pics from Bogotá. All taken by me, except for the ones that weren't so please excuse the lack of any kind of proficiency, yeah?
A Botero. In the Botero Museum. There are no words to explain how surreal being in that place was. No words.
This is the Primate Cathedral (because there's a church in almost every block. Colombian people are very religious). Next to it on the right is the Bishop's House, where the Pope crashes when he shows up. That statue there is Simón Bolivar's, as this
Bolívar Square. The congress, legislative, judicial and excutive branches ARE ALL HERE.
This is the National Capitol, seat of congress, and I'm so sorry I didn't get a frontal shot because it is a beauty.
Now, this is here is a view of the back of the Cathedral, across the street from the Botero Museum
Botanical Garden. Which is huge. And smack in the middle of the city, to boot. This is me, being a tree huger, and this is also my mother being my mother. Also, check out the new hair cut!
Some more Botanical Garden is Awesome for your enjoyment. Btw, I am silly proud of this picture =)
Before leaving the garden we visited the little artisans' fair they've got there, these are earrings and were hanging on one of the stalls. Earrings. Love the little hats!
Aaaaand this exercise in blurriness is the view from the hotel's window. I'm only putting it up here because a) I love it, and b) holdingyourbreathandwillingyourhearttonotbeatsohard can work sometimes, when there are not tripods or other stable surfaces available.
There, quick and mostly uninformative tour of some of the places I visited this summer achieved. Thank you for your attention.
Er, there may be ficcage later today? I'm considering this. DO HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE.