Oooh shiny!

Oct 12, 2010 05:31

Hai thar! Have not been much away from the computer, or the internet for that matter, in case you were wondering. I've just been mighty distracted by shiny things going on in the Wonderful Realm of Wonderland (aka, INTERNET, in case you hadn't figured that one out)

Also, I need coffee and didn't sleep much last night despite my heartiest attempts at it. I even dug out this book that NEVER FAILS TO BORE ME TO TEARS OF SLEEPINESS and actually finally finished it (yay?) it was just as awful as I thought it would be, though (no yay?). What the hell body? It's like you want to get a migraine, you loser! Gosh.


~There have been pr0ny shenanigans taking place over at the Let's Get Arthur and Gwen Laid Campaign (with each other, people. Not with other folk. Unless it goes like A/G+Other Folk, in which case, they're all welcome and are hoped to enjoy their stay), which has been due for about three seasons now and it swiftly became my favoritest place to hang out this long weekend past. It's shiny, it's funny, it's porny and it's generally wonderful. Go check it.

~I'm coveting this hat so much. Must learn to knit.

~Tumblr continues to be lovely and provide me with gorgeousness to tide me over while another prompt gets filled in the aforementioned campaign.

mydeadpony has some personal work here and it is impressively beautiful. I wish I could hang this up on my wall.

The Endless by Michael Zulli, originally posted by thebraveandthebeard

~Must. Stop. Casting. Kiera Knightly in every fantasy casting I come up with. I feel like it's all her and Zoe Saldana. And Angel Coulby, recently... must broaden my horizons.

~Barackles, love, how are you? ::sends smoke signals::

~You guys, I really want to sleep! like rilly rilly for realsies. ::whines::

barackles, insomnia, we will not grow old, chicken soup for the soul, flist love

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