the fractal music of a thousand shouted conversations

Sep 24, 2010 08:30

The last day of the Gratitude Project came and went. It was Tuesday, btw. And I'm still finding things to be grateful for, it's become subconscious, I think, this new way to look at things. So ultimately this is what I'm grateful for the most, the possibility to keep on being reminded that every little thing counts and it's us the ones keeping score so it falls to us to not let them go by unnoticed, unappreciated.

As you guys know, this year has been tremendously craptastic for me, in a variety of ways and colors, but I think having done this gratitude thing put everything, if maybe not in perspective, in a definite contrast which, I feel, balances it all out (to a point, mind). And so. Cheers to gratefulness, man.

On another note, one of my kids was sick yesterday, and then a fight broke out during recess, so I wound up with miscellanea DNA practically all over me.

Little Boy: Miss, I don't feel too well.
Me: You do look a bit pale, what do you feel?
LB: My belly aches.
Me: think you'll be sick?
LB: Nooo (silly me, asking such embarrassing questions)
Me: well, let me get J here and you and I can go to the nurse station, ok?
LB: Ok.
I turn around to call for J to come and keep an eye on the classroom.
Classroom at large: ewww
My shoes: ewww
Little Girl in the Corner: BLEARGH (she's sympathetic like that)
Classroom at large: EWWWWW.

Yeah. We had to take the kids out to the yard so the janitor could come in and clean up. I was so embarrassed for some reason, having to call him to tidy up for me. LB just had something that disagreed with him, it's nothing contagious or deadly, it will not eat us up from the inside as one helpful kid suggested ::facepalm::. Then there was recess and two older boys decided it'd be the best thing ever to try and see who's teeth flew out first, in trying to break them up I got a punch to the arm which promptly bruised and afterward there was blood on my top from, presumably, airborne droplets when one of them succeeded in knocking a tooth out of from other one. Or maybe it was from the bloodied nose. IT TOOK FOUR OF US to break them apart. Teenage hormones, man.

So yeah, yesterday was a very eventful day. Today I'm watching Fringe because there is such a thing as balance in this universe (by this logic, next year I'll be crowned Goddess Supreme).

i am the vacuum cleaner, tales of a coffee mug, chicken soup for the soul

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