Day's been kind of rollercoastery, you guys.
Things of the ugh:
~ The former mother-in-law invited me over for her birthday lunch (it's their tradition), I wasn't really expecting an invite and then I wasn't really expecting to go but when I caught myself paying for the earrings I bought her, well, yes. I went. It was nice, I really do miss that part of my relationship with S, he's big on family stuff (in case you hadn't figured that out) and so am I, we used to bond over this. He was there, of course, and it wasn't half as awkward as I thought it would be, but I kinda wish it had been because now I'm all depressed because I really fucking miss him. Cue buckets of tears upon arriving home.
~ random person: so you write, I'm told.
me: uh, yeah I do. Who told you?
rp: M, she says it's not bad.
me: well, I do always appreciate ringing endorsements.
rp: aw c'mon, its not like what you write is real stuff, anyway.
me:... real stuff?
rp: yeah, like, it's not like some politically relevant essay or some kind of future literary gem. You know what I mean.
And he wasn't even being mean about it. I do know what he meant, but still, screw you asshole, you've never read a word I've written and how can you tell it's not politically relevant? (it isn't) or an actual piece of future literary gem?, maybe when I rule the world it'll become so. Stoopid people that hurt delicate feelings are stoopid. ::stomps foot::
Things of the aw
~Max: you could totally be a hand model.
He's random like that.
~ PB&J sandwiches for breakfast. I loooooove peanut butter.
This site which Mousey led me to discover. Thanks babe!
~ The uni's counselor. She's such a sweetheart, I had no problem talking to her about my reasons to be there. At all. And, since we're on it, I got an email from my tutor letting me know my "feeling uncomfortable" around a single member of the group was enough for him to reassign me elsewhere. The wording and tone of the whole thing makes me think he might have clued in or at least suspected what my request was really about, which ups his brownie points with me considerably. You've no idea the relief this is.
Gonna go now because there're some things I need to deal with. Let you know how that works out. Love y'all heaps and heaps!