
Apr 10, 2005 21:49

Hello Everyone!
How was everyone’s weekend? Mine wasn’t great, but it wasn’t Awful.

It started on Friday when I had to baby-sit from 8pm till 2am. I had to watch a 2 year old girl, and a 5 months old boy. So wasn’t too much fun.. Alex called me and was pissed off because of retarded people but no names.

Saturday i woke up around 9 am. Went to get Sarah and we went to a picnic in the park, that was pretty fun. It was hot though. Then i went and saw Alex, and i spent the night over there, we went to bed around 2 am. I was playing X-Box, I think I’m getting worst at it the more i play, Is that even possible..? I had a lot of fun hanging out with Alex last night She’s still Cool as Hell .Alex and i Woke up today around 12:45 and she didn’t want to get up but since i asked her nicely she got up also, but she didn’t get up until 1 so its okay

HeLLo DeCatuR PeopLe is there anyThing to Do up tHere someTime Soon, I haVe to go sEe my Dad itS beeN a While, and I haVe to See cHrissy.Because sheS thE boSs...(HAHAHA)

Anyways thats all

Oh yea and Stupid school is tomorrow, Bleh that sucks

< >Imissyou<>
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