Apr 27, 2004 19:07
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want.
Then - post this to your journal and see what people remember about you.
It could be any type of memory. Good or bad..
maaan...i jus deleted a whole new entry..i HATE WHEN I DO THAT!!! RRGG (i think the cause of that was b/c i clicked on the options button n it deleted everything..so BEWARE!! it might decieve u!)
well my entry consisted of my satuday when the highlight of the day was lying on the grass on greenfield w/ car n pete w/ our shoes off...very relaxing. its good to relax.
2 subs yesterday (jeff!) n no band-thats always good :)
didnt have to dance 2day
i heard the ice cream man/woman b4 but no, i was just too concerned w/ where my last beautiful entry had gone that i missed it, do u kno how long i have been waiting 4 that DAMN ICE CREAM MAN? (it sorta rymed didnt it?)...*sigh* i love spring-getting-into-summer