These past few weeks have been crazy busy for me in all sorts of different ways. Luckily, though, I'm finally getting it together. First and foremost, if you aren't already reading it there, my journal is now displayed on the main page of my website,
, which was a whole lot of work. Keep in mind, the site is still heavily under construction. Eventually, the whole thing will have a hand-drawn feel similar to the background.
I've also been working at MCAD on a few things including comic TA-ing for their Summer Expressions Sessions where teenagers experience college life for two weeks. I have to say that I was seriously impressed by my students. They went above and beyond any of the past classes and could really teach some of the actual MCAD students a thing or two.
I also just got done moving after my internship ended and I really love my new space. Its very cozy, but extremely comfortable.
Aside from that, I've been working on some art, but not too much. Still just sketching and working on my project proposal, which is proving to be quite a challenge to write. On other horizons, though, you may be delighted to hear that a certain someone's senior project may have a chance of getting published for reals. Not saying who though.
These first two images are some colored sketches of the two main characters from Radical Physics. As it turns out, the first guy, as yet unnamed, has a high school experience much like mine, just replace art with math and science.
Finally, this last drawing may just be the cover of an anthology if it so happens to make any dear readers excited enough to do a one or two page story.