Mar 01, 2007 23:40
I got home about ten minutes ago from Sr. High beginning service. I really didn't want to leave, but I need to be in bed, lights out in 15 minutes. *sigh*
But, I didn't get to go the the last retreat (Mogulmania (which is a ski retreat)) because of basketball, and I miss this one because of basketball. I almost wish that I didn't play Sr.Girls. Sure, I love it, but I haven't been to a retreat since November, and then I was basically worried with my NaNo novel (which is still a pain in my side 'cause it won't write itself! Imagine that! LOL:P).
I really wanted to go, but my dad's word is law, so that means that I miss yet another fun weekend. Sure, basketball's great, but that means that I have to make sure nothing interfears with that if I want to do anything else.
So, that's my worship/basketball woes.
We had drama practice tonight, and we're pretty darn good, if I do say so myself! I missed a couple of lines, but that's because there's such a long break between a line, and then the next one. (I ain't a main character. Not that there really IS one).
And, next practice I should be able to wear my prettyful dress next practice! It's awesome! Me loveth the Medieval Times! LOL:P
And, I got my learner's license today! Took my mom two trips home to get all my info (silly mom!). but I got it, and then got to drive to drama practice. Didn't get in a crash, and I missed hitting my friend. She was laughing at me though, so I was tempted! (Love ya Erica!). But, I think that the biggest problem is going to be the seat changes.
See, I'm only about 5 foot 3 or 4, and my mom's about 5 foot 9. That means that I have to adjust the seat everytime. And she was complaining about it. I told her that it was her fault I was so short! LOL:)
Well, later all. My curfew's drawin' near!