Title: Close Encounters
Rating: PG for slight language
Genre: Humor
Summary: Shinichi and Heiji are in the USA and Shinichi is teaching Heiji how to use a gun, only it doesn't quite go the way they thought.
Comments: At end of story. :)
"You just shot the alien. What's wrong with that? Look at it," Heiji said. The alien looked like the love child of Predator and a face hugger with a Transformer grandparent, only with tentacles with claws on the ends. It had a single compound eye that glittered in the light of the setting sun. "If that wasn't here to cause trouble, what was it here for?"
Shinichi winced and picked up an over-sized square of fabric like material. It was liberally coated with something very much like slime.
Heiji stared at it blankly a moment and face-palmed. "Crap."
"Damn," said a voice behind the two teens. They turned to see two men in black suits and sunglasses. "That was the informant from WR124."
Shinichi and Heiji exchanged baffled looked. "I thought that-"
"These aren't those guys. We'd be dead if they were."
"For two guys that are supposed to be great detectives, you caught the fact that he was sneezing," the black man in black said with great sarcasm.
A wheezing like sound came from the body of the alien. Shinichi and Heiji quickly moved away from it, making an effort not to get too close to the men in black. The black man walked up to the wheezing figure and started to talk to him in a low voice but not so low that the teens missed the tone of someone being chewed out.
"Now, if you'd look right here," the older man said and Shinichi and Heiji turned to look at him.
Shinichi and Heiji found themselves blinking, as if they had just had a camera flash go off.
"What do you think you were doing?" said an older man in a black suit. "You can't just discharge firearms anywhere you please. If you want to demonstrate how to use a gun, take it to a shooting range."
Shinichi and Heiji blinked a few times and nodded sheepishly. Someone must have notified the authorities. The teens stopped walking away and looked at each other. Who just warned them off testing the gun?
"That wasn't a local law enforcement officer," Shinichi observed.
"An' he didn't show any sort of identification," Heiji observed, "Or, at least, I don't remember."
"Neither do I."
They whipped around and ran in the direction they just came from. The land was empty except for an unusually large patch of crushed shrubs.
Comments: Honestly, written for
spook_me challenge and it was going to horror. They were going to find Shinichi just shot an alien that had feasible plans for world peace. And then the MiB showed up and demand humor. I should've guessed something like that would happen. It's been too long since I've written any fanfics and I've been daydreaming *lots* of crossover ideas.