Title: A Dull Day at Work
Author: Ran-dezvous
Genre: General
Fandom: Detective Conan
Claim: General Series - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, First Investigation Division (no character in particular)
Table/Theme: Table 1, Theme 11 - Police, freeze! (caveat)
Rating: G
Word Count: 116
Warnings: Mild spoilers for Files 743-752. And possibly more telling than showing-what can you expect with five sentences (unless you want horrible grammar), seriously?
Original Publish Date: November 11, 2010
Disclaimer: I don't-and never will-own Detective Conan, no matter how many characters from the series I claim in various blogcrews. Aoyama Gosho is the lucky dude who does.
Summary: It's a slow day for Division One.
Ficlet #1: A Dull Day at Work )
Title: Broken-Hearted Valentine
Author: Ran-dezvous
Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
Fandom: Detective Conan
Claim: General Series - Kisaki Eri and Fujimine Yukiko (yes, they're both single here), with mentions of Mouri Kogoro
Table/Theme: Table 1, Theme 20 - Box of crackerjacks (caveat)
Rating: G
Word Count: 700 (all in five sentences, no kidding)
Warnings: An author's note that's longer than the actual fic, as well as blatant abuse of dashes and semicolons. Thank you, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for using them (the dashes, anyway) so much in your Sherlock Holmes novels and stories. (I have no idea about his other works as I've never read them.) Who knew this style can actually be grammatically correct?
Original Publish Date: March 27, 2011
Disclaimer: I don't-and never will-own Detective Conan, no matter how many characters from the series I claim in various blogcrews. Aoyama Gosho is the lucky dude who does.
Notes: Set during Eri, Yukiko, and Kogoro's high-school days, sometime after the Miss Teitan High Competition. Not immediately after the said event, of course. Oh, and unlike my first
ficlet for this series, there's actually a story here, yay!
Summary: There was something not right about Eri sitting by herself, stuffing her face with cookies.
Ficlet #2: Broken-Hearted Valentine )
Title: Identity Crisis
Author: Ran-dezvous
Genre: Humor, General
Fandom: Detective Conan
Claim: General Series - Sera Masumi
Table/Theme: Table 1, Theme 4 - Measure of a man
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (it wasn't on purpose, I swear)
Spoilers: None, unless you're the type of person to read fics about characters you don't know about. I highly advise against it, though, as Files 768-770 (Volume 73, Files 6-8) aren't as fun to read when you're spoiled. Trust me.
Original Publish Date: March 27, 2011
Disclaimer: I don't-and never will-own Detective Conan, no matter how many characters from the series I claim in various blogcrews. Aoyama Gosho is the lucky dude who does.
Summary: Sera Masumi wasn't pleased.
Ficlet #3: Identity Crisis )
Crossposted to
detective_conan and
Five Sentence Ficlets: Detective Conan.
My fic-request thread for
help_japan can be found
HERE. I'm taking all requests, even if it means getting into a new fandom. *is desperate* One Japan v-gift ($2.99), one fic.