(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 03:42

Title: [Untitled Short Story 1]
Author: shades of live
Word Count: 638
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan; Property of Gosho Aoyama.
Notes: Random fluff, what I'm good at. Takagi/Satou.

It had become rather apparent over the past six months that some strange habits, or 'quirks' if you will, came as nothing short of an absolute thrill, shock, and [in some rare cases] able to render a state of complete and total suspense in Takagi Wataru. As per usual, this morning would prove to be no different for the young man. He'd always considered himself to be somewhat of a morning person, and it would come as no surprise to anyone that he'd been up for hours preparing for his shift. Now being well past seven o'clock AM [with eight creeping up quickly] on a Monday morning, he found himself struggling to get his tie done up straight as he stumbled back into the dark bedroom to a sight which, for lack of a better phrase, confused him to no end.

An astonished stare was all he could muster as the young woman clinging to a pillow in his bed continued to snore in a barely audible tone. After a moment Takagi checked the watch on his wrist, just to confirm there wasn't something wrong with the bathroom clock, yet it only seemed to confirm his suspicion: she had grossly overslept, again. Still fumbling with a tie in one hand he used his other to gently shake the shoulder of the woman as he mumbled a quiet:


Nothing short of a dreamy whimper came in response. Trying again he spoke a little louder this time:


With another short shake to match his tone. Sighing at the fact that he didn't even receive an answer this time, he would drop the fabric in his hand and clear his throat before stating with a little more authority:

"Satou-san?" He removed his hand when he felt the body move a little visibly this time as she let out a rather displeased sound before he added:
"...it's already seven-thirty, we're going to be late."

A moan escaped her as she sighed heavily, using the back of her hand to rub her eyes as the rest of her stretched out over the bed:

"...only seven-thirty?"

"Only?" Takagi repeated in a completely dumbfounded tone as she slid out of bed and right by him into the adjacent bathroom. Reaching for his tie once more he soon realized he had tied the double-windsor backwards, and began undoing the material again. Before he was even able to pull out the second knot, the bathroom door burst open, and with it came a fresh, energetic woman-officer that barely resembled the pile of sleep she was only minutes before. Quirking an eyebrow Takagi opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off before he could get a word out:

"Wataru?! We're going to be late!" She spoke in her normal, dominant tone as she grabbed with fabric from him with a small smile, fingers working quickly to tie it perfectly in seconds. With a light giggle she ran a hand through his bangs before nodding toward the door again, "Let's go!"

With that she started out the door leaving poor Takagi behind in a whirlwind. What exactly...?

"Come on, Takagi!"

"Coming!" Slightly flustered he'd chuckle to himself as he followed the woman out the door, chalk that one up to being one of the mysteries of the fairer sex, he reasoned to himself.

"One more thing." This time her voice had jolted him out of his thoughts as he barely stopped before running into her.


A smirk came as his only reply before she added:

"...I'd think you'd know my name after this long, but if you're still struggling this much, I'll clear it up for you: Ta-ka-gi Miwako. Hn?"

A blush stained his face as he nodded quickly. Perhaps he really wasn't as much of a morning person as he had originally thought...


Title: Just Another Day
Author: shades of live
Word Count: 844
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan; Property of Gosho Aoyama.
Notes: Random fluff, what I'm good at.

( Fake cut to more fluff! )

Title: [Untitled Short Story 2]
Author: shades of live
Word Count: 415
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan; Property of Gosho Aoyama.
Notes: Strange little story I put together for the heck of it, strange pairings always tend to fascinate me...

( Another fake cut! )

x-posted: detective_conan 

xyilentrophic, fanfic-nonchallenge

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