Title: Even the Sun
Chapter: Four (The Confrontation)
Genre: Mystery/General
Rating: PG (for talk of commiting murder)
Characters: Shinichi/Conan, Haibara, Agasa, the Shounen Tantei, Arsene/Kaito, Takagi, Megure, and a whole slew of OCs.
Summary: (Something's starting to form for this, I'm just not sure what yet)
Chapter Summary: Conan unravels two mysteries, and he doesn't like either revelation.
Author's notes at the end of the chapter. Although, as a quick note, Suzume and Hiromi are Fumiko and Ozma's last names, (in that order). Just so no one gets lost there.
Previous parts
He stared after them and knew he wasn't going to like this, but he couldn't walk away. )