
Feb 13, 2009 19:55

Author: Peppymint
Title: Smitten
Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaitou
Rating: E for Everyone
Summary: Just a little drabble in the Kuroba 'Verse.  Written to honor the day of love.



The small group of friends sat around a small table. Akako leaned over to whisper something in Hakuba’s ear, causing the blond to flush. The mismatched pair had been dating for about three months now. Kaito admitted to himself he thought it a bit odd, a detective firmly grounded in the real world and a witch. Still, they seemed to be happy, and that was all that mattered.

The magician sighed faintly. Honestly, he was a bit jealous. Kaito shot a discrete look at his best friend. He loved Aoko, of course he did. But he wasn’t sure if he loved her. They were just too different. There were too many things about him he had never told her. Things the hybrid wasn’t sure if she could understand.

Besides, Aoko was currently taken. Her boyfriend Yuki seemed nice enough. Though Kaito had considered it his duty to warn the brunette what would happen to him if he even hurt his friend. The magician suspected Hakuba had had a go as well. Yuki had gone awfully pale when he saw the other waiting at the table.

Aoko playfully nudged the magician in the side, bringing him out of his thoughts. “So Kaito?” she asked. “Anyone new in your life?” She had been unpleasantly surprised when the magician had showed up to the gathering alone.

A sharp grin spread across the ex-kaitou’s features. “Nope,” he answered. “Still single. I am perfectly happy leaving the trials and tribulations of being in a relationship to Hakuba-kun here.”

“Kaito,” his best friend said reproachfully. She knew him well enough not to take his words and actions at face value. What had happened with Ami? The pair had seemed to get along well enough when she had introduced them.

The magician shrugged. “Just haven’t met the right girl yet I gue . . .” His voice trailed off as he stared across the courtyard.

There stood a slender figure, her aura shown impossibly bright compared to the others in the room. Kaito looked at her with more than his eyes, piercing the illusion of normality to reveal the light purple hair hidden beneath a glamour spell. God, she was beautiful.

Nakamori-keibu’s daughter followed his gaze. “Ahh,” she said thoughtfully. “Who is she?”

Kaito jerked his gaze back to the table. “I don’t know,” he feigned nonchalance, badly.

After considering the situation a moment, Aoko rose to her feet. Ignoring her best friend’s frantic hiss to come back she moved across the room. “Hi,” she introduced herself to the young woman. “Would you like to sit with us?”

After a moment the other nodded, following the Aoko back to the table. One after another its occupants introduced themselves.

The raven hanyou hid his nerves beneath a perfect poker face, producing a dark red rose from nowhere, which he offered to the violet-haired young woman. “Kaito Kuroba. Pleased to meet you.”

She blushed faintly, accepting the flower. “Wisteria,” she offered her name in return. “Likewise.”


I have always liked the name Wisteria

But I wouldn’t burden a kid with it

Maybe as a middle name

peppymint1986, fanfic-nonchallenge

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