Sep 11, 2007 02:24
Wow, I forgot about this thing. It is so many years later. So much that has gone on. So much that has changed and left. So many different new stable feelings. Becoming ones self is so much a fun adventure. All the new experiences and people that we meet everday. Everyday is a challege in one which to I arise. Never again to be held by the chains of authority,religion,deprssion,boredem,women,society. I enjoy life and no matter what anyone does to me I can either choose to let it bother me/affect my life or not. Life is a roller coaster journey with many experiences and each experience is good/bad determined by the attitude of the person. Some people know how to be good people, most do not. The world is a scarry place in where I must raise my kidz someday? HAHA I don't think so. It is quite creul to bring a child into this world. Death and destruction increase every year within. Over inflation, immigration, over population,social diversity, politics,religion,society, all a power struggle within themselves. Each looking to prevail, well I know that every top power in the world that has ever been eventually becomes a third world country like Mexico. HAHAHA Imagine trying to bring a child up in Mexico, wow no thanks.
I beleive that the solution is this.......
People need to learn to think and love from the heart. People just need to have a genuine caring for each other. Just a little more courtesy and respect. Everyone on earth is the same it is society that gives other people the power. Society determines what each important aspect of your life is. For example, The Church used to be a major power until people (society) stopped believing in them. Or, that to be with the in style or cool you have to have this, drive this, wear this, smoke this, drink this, listen to this, hahahaha People need to stop judging each other and connect on a deeper level that has nothig to do with drugs,alcohol,sex. People need to learn how to have an underastanding for one another. Understand that no on of us is similiar to the other. Which means for example that the concept of God lies different in every single persons mind and therefore creating an image of God that is different in everyone. Which means no one on earth can have the same God. HAHAHA Yet people argue and kill each other over something like this. Lol it's actually quite funny how guliblie the human race is acting upon impulse and feelings, rather than rasional logic, listening to the heart, and careful thought. Impules are a good human instict but not always true and can lead to misunderstandings and judging thoughts. The Hearts where it's at.
Ehh I just wanted to write about something. Just want to be able to look back at my thoughts from years past to see how much i have changed and bettered myself.
If you read this....HAHA You must really care what I think and know that these are my most personal thoughts and you must really know me.