I am in Savannah being unproductive. I am beginning to kick it into gear slightly... I am at the Sentient Bean cafe right now.
interesting story of the day: as we got out of the car to enter the cafe, this girl drove down the street in her car and rode right over a pigeon!!! it was sooooo disgusting and sad! the pigeon didnt even die right away, it suffered... it was decrepit!!!! it was GROSSSS! the girl knew what she had done after the fact, that bitch. i could tell she felt bad, i would have cried if i were her. now i can laugh about it though. oh well, poor thing.
overall, life is still shitty as usual but that's my fault. i need to be more productive, and i will be.
Summer Wheatley
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Quizilla Completely inaccurate... I AM LaFAWNDUH! How could this quiz not even have La Fawnduh as a possible result? pish!