Dec 16, 2007 12:45
Jenny and I have decided, in the last 6 weeks or so to dive into the vegan lifestyle. This of course involves much more than abstaining from meat, it also involves no leather, eggs, butter, cheese even honey and silk; unless the honey comes from a local farmer who does not intentionally irritate his bees to make them produce more quickly. This decision was not made lightly as my entire family is composed of dairy farmers or closely connected to the dairy and meat industry so black sheep future here we come! It was based on both ethics and health, especially since in the testing period for jenny her health increased very obviously, had more energy, seemingly increased immune system and research appears to back that up. I approached my grandmother with this with the fear that the ex-communication would begin immediately but this was not to be so. I showed her things in the bible, the only thing she would accept as legitimate spiritual definition for justifying our deviation from americana. The only verse she needed to read was genesis 1: 28-30 and she had no rebuttal for me. I know however that most of the rest of the family will not be able to grasp this concept, not because i consider them stupid but rather brainwashed by the society they live within and there obvious contribution to said lifestyle. Needless to say I have fear that we will be thrown out of the family or made to feel ostracized by the judgmental way in which we are likely to be approached. If that is the end result so be it, i am tired of playing games with my family to appease people who mean less to me than y own convictions and those I share with Jenny. So there it is, my foreseeable family future. Wish me luck in whatever direction it may lead!