(no subject)

Sep 04, 2005 17:25

FUCK preident bush.
ppl were dying since last week, and not untill maybe two days ago did that son of a bitch do anything.
asshole's been on vacation when ppl are dying. we are always the first to send aid and help when shit goes wrong in other ppl's countries but when we get fucked up the gov is no where. also like the mayor of NO whose been trying to do good stuff is being threatened by the CIA. even fox news, the most right-winged media, has said unfavorable stuff abot bush. nothing has been handled well... i dont balame ppl for looting food and water, even bill gates would do if it he had a sick kid and needed food. im not saying i condone those ppl whove taken adv of the situation but leave the others alone.
the counrty would be better off if bush died in the hurricane, at least then more effort woulda been given sooner...
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