Feb 25, 2005 08:03
Emma ran away, I just talked to Spike this morning. She wasn't here this morning when I went to get her up for school, so I assumed she had forgotten something at home. Then I made some comment to Alex at school and she said she hadn't seen Emma. At all. Emma wasn't at school either. I called Spike, Emma hasn't been home. Nobody knows where she is. Not even Nate. I just hope she's okay....
I have been spending time with Sean though<3 My love<3 He's seriously the best. I can't wait until we get married, I don't know when it's happening though. Terri and Jay are getting married next month, Terri's going to come over and I'm going to help her plan soon.
Tonight is me, Sean, and dinner with the parents(my parents), haha. My mom has been calling me "Manuella, we're having chicken, would Sean like that?? What would Sean like to eat??" haha, it's so cute. I'm glad she likes him though.
Well, I have to go to my next class. If you are my any chance reading this Em, call my cell, it's on<3 I'm worried about you!! =(