Justin: Nice night for a ride!
Brian: The fuck you doing here?
Justin: Following you to see where you’ve been going for the last three weeks.
Brian: Now you know! Now you can go back home and go to bed.
Justin: Do you know what time it is?
Brian: Little hand’s on the two, the big hand’s on the three - quarter after two?
Justin: Why the hell are you doing this?
Brian: Gotta get in shape.
Justin: For what?
Brian: The Liberty Ride.
Justin: You’re not still thinking of going.
Brian: Because you and the rest of them disqualified me, doesn’t mean that I did.
Justin: We’re just concerned.
Brian: There are so many poor starving children who go to bed hungry
every night. Be concerned about them.
Justin: So why the secrecy?
Brian: Because I don’t want people like you saying, “You can’t! You mustn’t!”
I don’t want every cunty faggot who goes to the gym saying, “Poor Kinney! Told ya so!”
Justin: I have to hand it to you. Your perseverance is surpassed only by your narcissism.
Brian: There you have it. The secret to my success.
Unless I’m proven wrong by the naysayers and I fail dismally.
Justin: Oh, you’re not gonna fail, dismally or otherwise.You’re gonna be a big, fat
fucking success as always.We’re gonna go on the ride together and at night,
we’ll pitch a tent and we’ll have hot, passionate sex under the stars.
Brian: What the fuck are you doing?
Justin: I’ve heard that when achieving your goal, it’s best to visualize it.