Current annoyances...

Sep 13, 2009 20:25

My current annoyances are as follows. My stepmother's childhood friend who keeps leaving messages in the form of picture comments on all the pictures of my father on my myspace. If it was a simple hello or something I wouldn't care but this is purely because of the fact my father owes her money and as a result of my father not communicating with her because all Virginia will want to talk about is my stepmother's untimely death and it's still a touchy subject even though its been a year. I sent her a message last night telling her to stop. I have been putting up with the messages for over six months. The last one she left she accused my father of cheating on my stepmother with his new wife that he married a few months ago. I know for a fact he never did. My dead step mother made him the happiest I had ever seen him despite her battle with cancer. Virginia had been friends with my deceased stepmom since they were girls I'd think she'd had enough common sense to trust her best friend and to see just how happy my dad made her. I want to punch her in the fucking face and give her a piece of my mind. My dad doesn't have the money to pay her back. He had to sell both of his veichles since my stepmom died and he works in the lumber industry and as a result has been facing long periods where there is no work at all for him. You can't squeeze juice from a turnip.
My other current annoyance is stupid bullshit friend drama revolving around a break up that I am getting dragged into because they're all my friends and I'm refusing to take any sides but trying to be there for emotional support. Its difficult when you can completely see one friends bullshit and why they are being dumped and you can't say anything. Nor do I want to because I just don't want to be involved but am getting dragged into it. -_- It is resulting in a lot of tongue bitting and my lips are sealed. I'm loosing the self respect of a friend who I recently met and became friends with and I'm trying not to have my opinions changed at all but its difficult seeing the way she talks about my other friend whom I have literally known as long as my husband. She's so childish and self centered. I think she will end up alone in life as she has to be the center of attention constantly. It's like a small child who never grew up.

Anyways, I am trying my best to stay positive. I am keeping myself busy with housework and spending time with the family. Also with random crafts and sewing projects. We're giving potty training another go and so far so good :) Three times in one day once not even being asked to sit on her potty! I am very proud of my daughter and relieved. Sort of mad at myself because I forked out about $40 for all those cloth diapers that I made but I still have left over fabric but not enough supplies to make more cloth diapers so I will just save the fabric for something else. I am also going to sit down and start fusing those plastic grocery bags together soon so I can finally start on my reusable bags project. :) I figure this is a good use of time and literally half of the cabinet space under my sink is plastic grocery bags from the story I've accumulated since I was pregnant with Michelle so I will have a good ammount of reusable bags when I am finished. I am planning to also start running twice a week in the mornings with some good tunes on my mp3 player. I've been too drained as I am out of shape now and haven't been exercising. I need to start exercising again so I can keep up with my daughter and still have the strength for school. Anyways, I am off.
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