Набор столовых приборов 14 шт.

Nov 16, 2011 14:45

Серебряный сплав. Длина приборов 21 см.
GERO ZILVER 90 SILVER Demitasse FORKS Box Holland

The three marks B, Gero, 90, indicates silver plate made by Gero. Made between 1925 -1970.
VINTAGE SET OF 14 FORKS and spoons
Age: from 1913-1940
 Each fork and spoon marked
Normal wear with age and use with little to no wear to the plate.

•1909 - founded as M. J. Gerritsen & Co.
•1912 - known as the "first Dutch factory of new silverware, formerly M.J. Gerritsen & Co."
•1925 - although the name Gerofabriek had been used for some time, it became the official name of the company. NV is an acromym for Naamloze Vennootschap, a legal entity similar to our corporation.•GN -Georg Nilsson. He was one of the designers from Gero Silver from the Netherlands.
•1986 - Gerofabriek became part of Van Kempen & Begeer of Zoetermeer, Holland.
•2003 - still in business.

Marks on your flatware:
Gero -- Gerofabriek brand name.Ziest, Holland.
•90 - a quality mark indicating that 90 grams of silver has been used to plate 12 spoons and 12 forks.
•GZ - an acronym for Gero-zilver, found on Gerofabriek's silverplated wares with a nickel silver base metal. First used in 1917. After WWII, Gero-zilver was replaced by Gero-zilvium and a quality mark of 100 instead of 90.
•Circle V -- this is only a guess, but it could be a mark indicating that the design was the 1920's work of factory commissioned designer C. J. (Chris) van der Hoef (b1875 - d1933).
This Dutch company Gero was founded in 1909 having Designers like Jan Eisenloeffel, Georg Nilsson &Chris Van der Hoef, whom were a few of the master silversmith's for this highly sought after Dutch silverware.

Your has been silver plated. 90 indicates the amount of pure silver 90 grams, used to silver plate 12 sets of tableware, 12 forks and 12 spoons or 12 table dishes.

Cсылки по теме:
Коллекции серебра http://www.silvercollection.it/ENGLISHSILVERMARKSJR.html

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