(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 19:20

I am a college student now. Fine, so my classes haven't started yet, but I am. Good university, too. Lots of pretty boys. Will be studying Communications. Am happy.

I am also the proud owner of a CAR! And fine, fine, I don't have a driver's license yet, but the car is here. And it's the prettiest car ever. His name is Eriovaldo Fazolo.

I'm eighteen. I can drink, drive, get married, go to jail, sue people.. and fine, I still look like I'm fourteen. But that's just because I'm tiny and cute.

Anyway, I'm in a whole different place in my life, really, and I haven't updated this journal in so long that I don't even feel like it's MINE anymore. The person who wrote all those things back in 2002? I don't know, she seems like a nice enough girl, but... yeah, she's not me.

I do still love penguins, though.

Anyway, I've made myself a new journal. To start again with a clean slate, I guess.

It's friends-only, and since I haven't updated in so long, I feel a little weird adding everyone without asking for their permission again.

I just wanted to ask you to comment to this entry if you want me to add you to my new journal's friends list. I'd love it if all of you did, really, because I, at least, still think you are all great and amazing. I really do.

Oh, the comments are screened, by the way. Because this way, if no one replies, at least it won't be public knowledge how unloved I am, see. :P Although there are those of you who HAVE to reply or I'll CRY.
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