All of your Warcrack are belong to Us.

Apr 17, 2007 10:20

So, I'm still playing the most addictive computer game ever created. For those who also play, a reminder of where to find me:

Ravenholdt (RPPvP Server with not enough RP)
-Drmagnus (Dr. Flangewicke P. Magnus), gnomish Warlock-Engineer, Lvl 26. Member of OAPs of Azeroth. Currently trying to get his first PvP kill, and failing miserably.
-Japheck, a dwarf Paladin who I may yet delete. Lvl 6.
-Alderoth, a draenai Shaman whose only real purpose is to supply Drmagnus with gems. Especially moss agates. Lvl 8.

Sporregar(RPPvP Server that's rather cool)
-Tokken, the token Tauren in a Blood Elf guild (Dicio Peragito Sanguinis) - that now has someone's tauren alt in it. Lost my uniqueness value! Lvl 23 and rising, as I'm trying to catch up to my guildmates (who are mostly 32-39).
-Angerboda, an orc hunter. Lvl 8

Argent Dawn(Oversubscribed RP server)
-Palazu, a druid who I think is about Lvl 13, but I haven't played him in a while. Created to play along with the Edinburgh lot, who are mostly on there.

So, I'll be on Sporregar all this week, as I'm playing that catch-up. I'm about half way to lvl 24, and hoping to hit 27 by the end of Sunday. Maybe 28 if I'm lucky. that'll only leave me a few more levels before I'm fully caught up.

I have done no prep for tomorrow's game, so I need to do some thinking, though I expect the fight with Belicose (or is he...?) will cover most of it. Hm. He needs stats, or else the PCs can't kill him...

Waiting to hear back from Unifex about some stuff in Cam - a rather cool joint mortals concept I'm part of.

They call us legion, for we are many. :D

Anyhow, I'm not wasting my entire day in front of this thing. I've got stuff to do.

Later days!
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