Oct 04, 2007 15:14
What are you to whom I compose this immortal ode to?
The taste on my lips does not conjure you're true name.
Butter is slides and leaves me sick, peanuts too hard,
Too brittle, too complex for their reward.
So how dear peanut butter can you make me salivate
So. From my room to the kitchen is a dangerous trip,
For everytime I pass your refrigerated lair I feel the
Urge, the need to sample your heavenly goodness.
Your deliciousness knows no bounds, that I know.
Fruits of all sorts beg to be lathered in your creamy
Essence. All breads pale when not covered in your chunky
spread. Were I rich a pool of you I would have.
But no I'm afraid I must part with you for the school
Bell rings. And though I can confess my true love for
You here in this electronic medium. Educators are
Rarely so understanding of the connection between
A vegetarian and her crunchy peanut butter.