Nov 12, 2008 15:35
If you don't do the Facebook thing feel free to ignore this post, because I don't think you'll probably undertstand, or care, or both.
I know that the place to post this would be Facebook, but some people will get butt-hurt if I post it there. The status box on Facebook is there to give information about what you're up to, or to wax clever/poetic for a couple lines. It's formulated to read as a sentence in the third person.
"Stephen is (insert text here)."
You can even delete the 'is' if you fancy doing something more esoteric.
"Stephen (insert text here)"
But it always start with your name. Now if you wanna post some linkage there or whatever that's cool, I get it, trying to get the word out. Maybe you aren't into the whole grammar thing but want to say a little something. I'm a grammar nazi though, so if you're going to post a status, at least give it a go... try to make it fit the format. I'm sick of seeing "Suzy Rottencrotch is I need a new job."
What I cannot tolerate is using your status to give us constant updates on your bored hausfrau activities. I get it, you're either obsessed with being a mom or your life is so kid-centric that you can't think of anything else to talk about. I don't care what your 18-month old is doing... in fact I really don't care what you're doing, you're just on my friends list because it would have been rude to ignore your friend request. I'm telling you though, keep up this kid-update bullshit and I'm deleting your ass. You had a personality at one time, remember? I know, it wasn't much, but at least it was you; let's see that again.
While I'm at it... anyone who has pictures of themselves AND their SO as their primary picture on Facebook or MySpace needs to work on this co-dependency thing. I don't like it. If I want to see your numnuts boyfriend I'll look in your picture page, I don't need to see your "awesome man" every time I want to post some crap on your page. Get your identity back and call me.