Sep 02, 2011 11:28
I signed up for Match a while ago, but didn't feel like paying, so I kind of let it go. Recently I updated everything, since Colleen and I split. I gather that this break to discover herself and get her shit in order, similar to Katie's, doesn't mean that she's going out to explore "other options," but I don't think I can be held to that. I know what I want, and I was pretty upfront with her. So I know that if she's going to come back, it's going to be on my terms. So I don't think I should be waiting around for her to have some epiphany where she finally realizes that I was the right one for her, like Katie did.
On that note, I slept w/ Jenn again last night. With Colleen out of the way, I kind of actually like Jenn. In fact, as we lay in bed we talked and it was very comfortable. She laid her head on my chest as I put my arms around her. It seemed very natural. I like her; I'm not in love with her, though. But like her more now than before, although her ass has grown a bit over the last year (lol i'm a pig).
Anyway, back to Match. I'm a pussy. Even when it come to online dating. I have no balls when it comes to talking to girls. As I told my brothers in Breckinridge, girls always fall into my lap, I never have to work for them. So when they tried to play wingman for me, which just meant they got me really drunk and did nothing to help me but make an ass out of myself, it failed miserably. So I decided today, WTF. I might as well try this shit and start talking it up. There's a billion decent looking chicks on there, and most of which seem pretty nice (of course they are painting themselves in their best light.) So I emailed 4 different girls today, we'll see what happens!