So another holiday has passed and I made it through virtually unscathed. ::wipes brow:: Ok, so Thanksgiving wasn't that bad. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. Of all our family holidays, this one has now become the easiest to deal with, as the drama basically comes to a complete standstill due to the presence of my oldest cousin's wife's family (
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Back a number of years ago, I did the after-Thanksgiving thing so I could pick up a TV, VCR, and DVD player that were all unbelievably cheap and I was almost taken out by an old woman who rammed me in the back of the legs with her shopping cart. Then I was almost hit by an SUV when I was coming out of the store. Never again!
The women in my family are crazy like that, though. My oldest sister lives in Charleston SC and she actually didn't go to sleep at all the night of Thanksgiving because there was a big new outlet center where the stores were opening at midnight for their sales. Then she just carried on to all the morning blitz sales. I guess she went home, fell asleep at 1pm, was woken by her dogs at 4pm and was back out shopping when she called me that evening at 7. I love her to death, but she's just batshit crazy sometimes. ;)
They all go out the day after Christmas, too. I actually went with them last year (I think I'd just downed a few mimosas when they'd asked) but I'm thinking I'll pass this time around...
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