Jun 16, 2006 19:08
I agreed last year to photograph the wedding of one of Rob's friends for free. They don't have a lot of money and asked me to photograph and come up with a price. Well, Rob and I talked and agreed that I would just photograph the wedding as our gift to them since we would be attending as guests anyway. Fast forward a few months.... Wedding plans are being made and the bride calls to finalize plans with me. We make arrangements and all is well. THEN, Rob calls to tell me that he agreed to go home to NC to fish a tournament...after looking at the callender he realizes that it is the same week/weekend as the wedding. I told him not to worry about it, that it was more important to fish and make money and I would go alone (TO HIS FRIENDS WEDDING).
Now, I'm kicking myself in the ass that I said yes. Not only am I going to the wedding as a semi guest/vendor of people I hardly know, but Rob won't be attending. Also, I'm not getting paid AND I'm having to spend money in gas roundtrip plus I had to take off work. Don't get me wrong, they are lovely people but doing this is going to cost me about $400 just in travel costs and taking off work, although they are paying for my hotel.
On top of that I'm sitting here in TEARS! Rob left this morning and got into town around 2pm. He just called because he has been at our friend Becca's house (my best friend with baby Ella). Well, they've been playing and just went out to pick up dinner. He called to tell me how cute Ella has gotten and that she's walking and talking and playing with him. I am just SOOOO upset right now. Its not enough that I never get to go home and see her, but now I have to be here while Rob gets to be at home. I am just sooo miserable and I want to die. These are the times that I come to hate living in FL more and more.
I guess I'm just angry and resentful that I'm having to go to this wedding and Rob get to be in NC with Becca and Ella, even though I told him to go and not worry about the wedding. This wedding is different, this isn't like I am making money or they are my friends. I only agreed to this because they were Rob's friends and he really wanted me to and we were going to be there as guests anyway.