Apr 01, 2004 13:49
Well, I think I may be going this afternoon to get the rims put on the jeep, and I get my liscense tomorrow at 1 pm, and this weekend, I'll be rollin on 22's and rollin my ass off with some friends, hehe. God I love trying new things, but whats even cooler is when you try something and you like it. but blah, people keep warning me about exctacy and shit, no one gets that Im actually fucking CAREFUL but whatever. I might have to lay off for a few weeks once i get my septum pierced cause, well, obvious reasons. I CANT WAIT TO GET MY SEPTUM DONE! ahhh! Emmy needs to get her ass up here NOW. So hm, I got high and tried to dye my hair blonde in some places and it worked out pretty well. Excellent.
Haha poor maxwell looks like het got beat with a baseball bat.... <3 precious, haha.
i think I got fired from my job....which saves me the trouble of quitting. Excellent!
Happy Thursday everyone, Im in such a good mood...thats what skipping every class all week will do to you.