Dec 25, 2003 21:44
ooh baby when you cry, your face is momentary.
So im jewish. but every year my family celebrates christmas.Butwere still jewish. for instance, for christmas dinner we had Luchshen Keugal. Possibly the most jewish food anyone can concieve. however i dont care cause i looove keugal and various food because im an 800 pound gorilla. i got 220 dollars. and new cd player(well its the same one i had before just a new one)and a gift card for barnes and nobles. oh and if anyone feels like picking up uncanny x-men 428 - 434 please feel free to do so. all 6 issues are about azazel!! niiiicce!!!!!.
yeah. Kurt dosent know yet and hes all "yo i love jesus" then his dad is a demon hahhahahahaha, and MY theory is....the reason they always portray him with a cutlas/sword of some kind is because his recently discovered father azazel was in biblical refernces the fallen angel who first brought man weapons/tools of war (SWORDS,shields etc.)
okay goodnight you Hebrews.