Jun 13, 2004 23:01
Everything that i have ever had to say to you
i'll just have to say to you tonight
ive been waiting since the day i laid my eyes on you
just to find the moment to be right
::insert super high guitar part::
what a ridiculously good song
i dont mean to toot my horn, but god that song is fucking amazing.
ive been listeing to it allllll day.
went to the beach with clayton chrissy and danielle.
shoved claytons face in the sand.
ran from evil seagulls
chrissys shoes visited the ocean.
chrissys face got shoved in the sand.
all three of them tried to get my down, and they couldnt
proving im stronger than all 3 of them combined.
but then ended when i spit at chrissys face (which was funny).
chrissys french fries blew away
it was sad
then we came back to my house to a crappy episode of the simpsons.
the end.