Nov 10, 2003 16:21
hey everyone, so today begins cycle 2, Im not going to be one of those losers who posts their schedules, ill just telll ya, its alright. Ive been listenin to lots of Beck lately mostly Mutations and Sea Change (both excellent albums), and my mom is making Quiche for dinner, how awesome is that?!?!? Party/Sleepover at jamie's house was cool. except i slept on the floor in the basement which was freezing and i had no blanket, and marielle and aeriel both were snoring, and aeriel as like 6 inches from me. it didnt bother me, but it was really funny.i goot kinda drunk, but the hour and a half or so in which i was actually intoxicated was spent talkin about serious stuff with ian and chrissy and eatin chinese food and cookies, so i didnt get any wild drunken orgy action (which i was hoping and expecting for)::sniff sniff:: Quiche ready! must go! bye bye