Feb 28, 2005 02:29
I don't know anything about everything anymore. I feel like such a fuck up. Nothing I do is right anymore. Everything I do makes my situation go from bad to worse. I really don't know if I can take anymore. Just everything with Amy is so fucked up. I feel like everything I say to her is wrong and pushes her away. I don't want her to leave me permenantly. I honestly do love you and it's the most amazing feeling to be in love. I don't want to lose her because she is the only person that can make me happy with a simple thing like a kiss or a smile and tell me everything is going to be ok. And yet I still have to fuck it up. Why? WHy do I do this? IS there something wrong with me? I mean the person that matters most I feel like I'm fucking up the second chance that I could possibly get. Am I just being paranoid? So many questions running through my head. Please anyone out there help me to understand this. I need someone even if it's you Amy to talk to about this. I'd actually like it if it were you Amy because at least I know you care and I trust your advice above all others.