May 31, 2004 12:42
I got grounded off the computer for a week today because Hope cleaned the house and I didn't help. Nevermind the fact that i told her like 80 times not to worry about it and that i would take care of it later. Now my dad is saying that he's reconsidering taking my car to the shop because of all this. I know i should have helped her, but fuck, i just didn't want to do it right than. It's not like i even asked hope to do it, I told her to stop and she wouldn't. It just pisses me off. I hate it so much. I just don't get it. I don't even know what i think, i just know that i've been so sad lately & i want to see mike and this is not helping at all. And than Hope had to go off and Make it about herself and be like "I'm sorry you're mad at me" bla bla bla, it was just like "get the hell away from me" oh well. It's been ok having her here. We're getting along alright, but sometimes you know how you just want to be left alone for a bit? well ti can't have that because she follows me around like a shadow. Oh well, i suppose i fell better after venting all of this, thanks for reading...peace