Jun 29, 2004 00:04
me and my cousin were just chillin and he was blazed off his ass and we had the fuuniest conversation ever. I swear.. it may not seem funny to you who read all this, but it was very amusing to me... So we're sitting there burning these cd's and he's all "what's this one called?" and i was like "metal for the masses" and he was like "oh, ok" and so he writes on the cd and hands it to me and it says "meadow for the masses" and i was like "brad, what the hell is this?Meadow for the masses?" and he was like "oh...oops" so we're sitting ther burning APC and i was like "you know the chic in the video for this, she was hot bla bla bla" and he was like "oh, yeah" and than a few minutes later he was like "what about the chicken?" and i was all "what the fuck?" and he's like "the chicken... what about it?" and i was like "what chicken? oh wait, you mean the CHIC IN the acp video? oh yeah.. haha, no, i was talking about the chickens, you knoe, the ones that roam around in that meadow" it was so fuckin hilarious... haha.. been WAY happier the past few days. I haven't been thinking about Mike much. And when i do it's not the "what went wrong" thoughts they're the "you know, i'm glad thats over" thoughts. It's a good feeling. I feel so much lighter now. I'm still upset about the same things as before we broke up, my own personal things, but other than that i am so much better.. but off that now. I'm stopping updating now.. nothing more to say.