Dec 06, 2005 22:03

Autolycus17: hey
Autolycus17: wuts goin on
MaNSoN365: Howdy
MaNSoN365: nothin really, I'm trying to find some drugs.
MaNSoN365: hah
Autolycus17: lol
Autolycus17: having problems?
MaNSoN365: Just emotional, no biggie.
Autolycus17: oh i meant having problems finding drugs
MaNSoN365: oh, hah thats a sign I need to see my shrink.
Autolycus17: ha
MaNSoN365: No, I have drugs, but I want something else right now..
Autolycus17: like?
MaNSoN365: Goddammit...this is like when you aren't hungry but want somethin to eat, and can't figure out what it is!
MaNSoN365: crack...nope, shrooms...not today, hmm maybe just some sleepin pills.
Autolycus17: lol
Autolycus17: u can figure it out
MaNSoN365: yerrshh
MaNSoN365: yyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYYY
MaNSoN365: I was runnin low on felines.
MaNSoN365: Im gettin an orange baby kitten.
Autolycus17: aawww cute
MaNSoN365: I know, i'll have to take a picture of it. With me of course :P
Autolycus17: yup
Autolycus17: how many cats do u have?
MaNSoN365: hmmm *counts* 1, 2, 3, four.
MaNSoN365: My dad ran over my old-man cat, ekk that gave me very bad flashbacks for days.
Autolycus17: that would suck
Autolycus17: when i was like 7 i walk up to the railroad tracks by my old trailer park and saw my cats body smashed it got ran over by a train
MaNSoN365: Uggh thats just like what I saw, agg I would have rather seen my dad crushed.
Autolycus17: yup
MaNSoN365: Melanie and I are planning for our taxi-van service, hippy future together.
Autolycus17: juggalo taxi on the side
MaNSoN365: Yah
MaNSoN365: And I'll paint it.
MaNSoN365: Only 300 bucks to go for a 2 minuit ride.
MaNSoN365: :-D
Autolycus17: sweet
Autolycus17: so its a good two minutes right
MaNSoN365: OOhh yeah
MaNSoN365: Its a magikcal, insane suprise of a ride.
Autolycus17: sounds phun
MaNSoN365: And the van is not run by oil. No siree
Autolycus17: wuts it run by?
MaNSoN365: ehhh, thats classifed information.
Autolycus17: oh
MaNSoN365: but, since your human and all, slaves.
Autolycus17: nice
Autolycus17: midget slaves where the engine should abe
Autolycus17: be*
MaNSoN365: Well, I try to be fair to all levels of human.
Autolycus17: oh
MaNSoN365: On their days off..

blah blah blah bitch.

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