Today while searching to see the type of memory my computer would support, I came across
this review site of my particular model. 6 reviews, and all but one say that the thing sucks, and sucks hard. I can see where all of them are coming from, but then again, I got the computer in June '99, long before any of those reviews were written up. At the time I thought it was a great deal. There was this big ad for it in the Sunday paper featuring the computer along with a monitor and printer for just $1000. Seeing as how my AST P75 was going the way of the dodo, I jumped on it. And frankly, I can't say that I've had any extrememly major problems with it. There was the one time last year when my hard drive went kaput and I had to replace it, but that was due to my getting cheap (read: bad) memory. Other than that, I've done a fair bit of upgrading without much trouble. The hard drive is up from 8.4 GB to 20, the RAM is up from 64 to 192 MB, the CD-ROM drive was replaced recently with a CD-RW, and there's a Voodoo2 that's been in there for years, though I'll have to replace it if I want to play any of the new games coming out. Other than that, I can only hope I have better luck on my next computer purchase, which is due to happen within a year or so.
Anyhow, I promise to do another update with a recap of the past month sometime soon. You can count on it.