001 | Text | Public | OOC | Player

Jan 01, 2009 16:56

About ★ My name is Ria and I'll be bringing you a lovely muse today! My personal LiveJournal is ria-chan and I suggest sending me a private message there for a hasty reply! I have various instant messengers, please ask me if you care to know. My timezone is Pacific and I'm a full time student, so please keep that in mind!

Threads ★ Don't be shy to reply to a thread that was seemingly dropped. I'll pick it up until it's finished, be it a week or month or a year after the last response. I like seeing things to an end and sometimes it takes some time to do that. No worries! Threadjacking or hopping is okay if the situation seems appropriate. I trust your judgment, boys and girls, so be prudent about it!

Permissions ★ Please ask me before plotting to kill any of my characters or something. I'm not really too tied to my characters as far as what you can and can't do to them. The more we abuse them, the funnier it is. I like getting involved in plots so yeah. No prob. Just talk to me first :Db

Note on new RP ★ If I don't know you, I might RP a little awkwardly with you at first. If I warm up to you, it'll fit nicely but just give me about a week of interacting with you to get it down. It'll help me determine what kind of relationship our characters can have as well.

Strangers ★ Don't know me? That's fine! Leave me a message, I'm always stalking other roleplay accounts for characters I play. So if you play the same character, it'd be lovely to have a chat with you! I'm always looking for new interpretations to broaden my horizons. I think we can all learn something from each other, AU, canon, or what-have-you. Roleplayers who might not play the same character but in the same fandom are certainly more than welcome to throw around any crack, and anybody else really. Even if you don't RP but just wanna talk about my interpretation or the fandom, I'm okay with that sort of thing.

Comfort Levels ★ Anything and everything. I don't get offended easily, either, so go right ahead and be as brutal, blunt, or annoying as you want. That doesn't mean I'll converse with you on such levels or continue the conversation, but you're welcome to try. Nine out of ten times, I go with the flow.

Chat ★ I like being talked to! I love discussing crack situations and just talking in general. <3 If you want to talk, drop me a line. I love chatting and sometimes the conversation runs dry but if I'm on, I'm free and I want to be talked to! I don't bite - much. ♥

Language ★ English -- duh -- and some Japanese. HOPEFULLY IF YOU'RE READING THIS, IT'S A GOOD SIGN!? I don't know if I can hold a conversation in Japanese, but I'd imagine so! I can do simple translations so you're welcome to help me practice. ♥ Also: no chatspeak. Emoticon use is A-OK, though! I sort of have a language of my own slang, acronyms, curse words, etc. I don't really care what kind of dialect you use to "speak", just please respect grammar. It's your friend. I LIKE TO ABUSE CAPSLOCK.

The Playing Experience ★ I've been playing Korea for almost three-fourths of a year now so I'm pretty comfortable with his character. I've played him in various AU situations so I'm comfortable with both canon and AU. In the DRs, I play him strictly as canon unless otherwise noted. I like to incorporate social stereotypes when possible, but I primarily rely on his character in the canon.

Korean? ★ I'm not Korean, sorry. In fact, I have no Asian culture in me. So why am I playing Korea? Well, Poland and Prussia were originally taken and I figured Korea was just a nice back-up since he's cheerful. I'm so glad it happened since I've grown to love him. Korea's awesome and I'm crazy about him now~ XD I rely on the canon for his characterization and play off of stereotypes and the culture. I'm especially bad at Korean, but I've learned the alphabet and I hope to learn some simple phrases. If you can offer me any help on contemporary Korean culture or language, I'll be very grateful!

Games ★ Apparently I play this lil' tyke everywhere. Let's start with the dropped games. I played frictionlock at theskytides once upon a time, and I'm looking to reapply when I have more free time. Second, I played at mallowmateys for a month-ish as urinara. I still NPC there, but that account it currently active at dramadramaduck. The old DDD account, inventedknots, is inactive and will probably remain so forever. I have two homeless historical muses, the Koryo Dynasty mybffbuddha and the Joseon period cheonsae. They are restricted to dressingrooms. I only have one variation account, the vampire kohpi. Finally, I have a sex account, kimchiiiii.

Do Want! ★ I WANT A BANGLADESH. SO EFFIN' BAD. AND TO RP WITH A TAIWAN. AAAAAAAAH~ Anikis are always wanted. Smut logs are a go with those two, I don't care how. If it involves kink, it makes it even better. I kind of sort of really want to do serious!Korea and Hong Kong interaction. I would also LOOOOOVE to see an aniki bromance with any Chinese character cross-fandom-wise, and possibly with any Japanese characters. And a conversation with North Korea's leaders...

Shipping ★ I family!ship Korea with all of Asia! Other than that, romantic ships within Asia are welcome -- both slash and het -- but only when planned out. Korea/China is my big Asian ship but I do not play out ships from the start at all, just family. I'll only do actual shipping if we plot something out. I'm very picky about this! Outside of Asia, I ship Korea with Ukraine. I think he and Belarus could be a potentially adorable ship as well!

Note on Asian family ★ I'm very picky about my Asian family, not so much Hong Kong, but Taiwan, Japan, and China. If it feels awkward...it probably is, though I've been getting better with this. The Asian family has a special dynamic and I'll try my best not to be too friendly with your Japan or too nice to your China. (;__;) I don't know. If it clicks, it clicks. And I will let you know if it clicks, rest assured. ;D

Note on Korean characters ★ If your character is Korean, Korea will have a natural affinity toward them. If your character is from a manwha, Korean drama, or pop culture (like a Super Junior member), then I will NOT break the fourth wall unless you say I can, but I will have Korean think they're pretty awesome. If you do allow me to break the fourth wall and have him recognize something of his creation, he will love them forever and take great pride in them and stuff.

:type: player, ria is a korea loser, :type: information, !ooc, ria is the player, ria has no life, ria doesn't like ooc info bunched up, ria doesn't like a lot of things, all about ria, who the hell is ria?

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