006 | text | public | ooc | splendor city

Jan 03, 2009 20:00



Name ★ Ria
LJ ★ outwish
Contact ★ riatardedness @ AIM | LJ PM
Previous characters ★ Clone Mozart | Afterschool Charisma | clonezart


Name ★ Korea | Im Yong Soo
Canon ★ Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline ★ Modern Day | February 2011
Age ★ Physically appears about sixteen or seventeen
Species ★ Nation! But appears to be human.
Apperance ★ Handsomeness originated in Korea.
Appearance upon arrival ★ Just regular Korea, in casual yet trendy clothes rather than a hanbok, happy and walking off to his brother's. Also confused that he's in a different place. Again. This place is a lot cleaner...


Previous RP memories ★ Korea will be retaining his memories from discedo. All his previous posts from the game can be seen in his journal and activity log.
Bringing someone along? ★ No, unless you count his haircurl. It has a spirit of its own and tends to reflect his emotions however it's physically attached to him so he can't really "bring it along".
Character History ★ Korean History | South Korea History | My super special awesome Korean history-in-a-nutshell shmooze

Korea was in discedo for a little over a year and adapted well into the setting. He didn't mature very much personality-wise because he thought it was a joke and Japan's fault, but he learned to live without his family, a very important thing to him, and also that when family returns, it's not always the person he remembers! Korea understands that different worlds exist and people are not always from the same world (such as characters that drop, get canon updated, and the like). He's expecting to be returned to Discedo so Splendor will be a very "interesting" change. Really. He didn't mature in Discedo at all. AT ALL.


Yong Soo is an energetic and upbeat individual. He's passionate and loud, sometimes obnoxious, and very physical. He has no qualms showing off his body, walking around with minimal clothing, or touching others. In fact, he practically flaunts his chest at hot springs and expects the same from others. He asks permission just to be polite, but he's so set in his ways that he'll do anything to get his way. He's even threaten to send blackmail videos in Japan's case.

Yong Soo has an ego the size of Seoul's population when it comes to his world class dramas and Hyundai. He claims to have "awesome Korean technology" but most of it is actually just Japan's with a Hyundai sticker over it. He easily says that something does not belong to him when it doesn't work and peels off the sticker, in the case of the defunct ManSee. The kicker? It worked just fine, he just didn't believe it. Yong Soo doesn't move to the world's beat, the world moves to Yong Soo's beat. If the world -- or Japan -- defies him, he'll simply butt in and change the subject to something more pleasing. Like himself.

When it comes to mooching, stealing, or earning, that's that exact order. While he's quick to jump on any free extension of generosity, the case of stealing is a daily occurrence. He's often not the originator as he claims to be. He'll naturally claim karate, hot springs, and other things as his things if nobody stops him. In the case where he finds proof, he'll even demand compensation for this misconception! He's attempted to steal when he can't get his way, such as taking off with Confucius and kanji after visiting his brother Yao over New Year. In a rare strip, he claimed this habit to be his hobby.

Yong Soo has a presence that sucks other in like whirlpool and leaves them asking "what the Hell just happened here?". Most of the confusion is caused by his tenancy to say blunt things, in the exact moment and structure the thoughts formulate in his head. Threatening to XXX is but one example. It doesn't help that he jumps to his own conclusions and accepts them as the sole truth. For one thing, he interprets things extremely wrong, like his conception that his elder brother Yao loves him so and treasures him so. To say the least, it's caused Yao more than a few gray hairs when Yong Soo constantly thinks everything is a heartfelt gift of recognition...and automatically assumes he can take his reward. He's persistent, nosey, and freezes up when things don't go according to plan.

Despite his quirks, he's polite and respectful to elders, having a proper disposition to those socially superior. Those that don't know him would mistake him for the calm, cool looking man that appears in his photos (which were taken while he was asleep). For the most part, he becomes serious with work and will focus his complete attention when it is demanded of him. For how long, nobody can really say.


Abilities ★As a nation, Korea doesn't really "die" and he ages very slowly. Take away his nationhood and he's just another dude on the block, so.
Possessions ★ Just the clothes on his back.
Anything else? ★ He can run at the speed of Hyundai. ★


Journal ★ Here's a recentish post from March and my activity log. Ask and I shall supply further samples!

Log ★ Already in the gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Application / Threads / Entries

:type: application, :game: splendorocity, !ooc

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