003 | Text | Public | OOC | Gargle Blasted

Jan 03, 2009 19:22



Name ★ Ria
Are you over 16? ★ YYYYY
LJ ★ ria-chan
Email ★ riatardedness@live.com
Timezone ★ GMT -8 | US Pacific
AIM ★ riatardedness
Characters already in the game ★ None; apping in this cycle as well: Hiromi Kisaragi | theleftarm
How did you find us? ★ Mainly coming because of Japan and Prussia


Character name ★ Korea | Im Yong Soo
Fandom ★ Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline ★ 15 May 2010
Age ★ Physically appears eighteen sixteen, but is thousands of years old. Not to be confused with thousands of years old in China proportions which is on the old man level.

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths ★ As a nation he has longevity and heals faster than a normal human being.

His hair curl reflects what he feels. It's his "Korean Spirit". When he's happy, The Curl is happy. When he is feeling down, The Curl feels down. It doesn't really serve a purpose, though.

On the video function, if he's sleeping, he'll look like Byung Hun.

He can run at the speed of Hyundai. Physically, he's also very fit thanks to his military experience.

He's a master at massage but unfortunately this almost always means "service".

How would they use their abilities? ★ WRECKING HAVOC ON FAMIRY. And other nations. And everybody else. Uhhh...groping, stealing their things to claim as his own, running away from them when they go "OH NO YOU DIDN'T" -- the usual. Once in a blue moon, he might be useful if you rub him the right way. Like a geenie in a bottle. That song totally came from Korea, by the way.

Appearance ★ Yong Soo's hair is actually a dark chocolate rather than complete black. He likes to keep hair out of his face and thus slicks his bangs back and keeps his hair short because it's manageable. (Coincidentally, he doesn't seem to notice that he has a loose strand that usually sits on his right or that it reflects his inner thoughts.) Yong Soo has golden eyes that are more round than almond, though they have a distinctly Asian resemblance. He's quite proud of his sturdy frame, even though his limbs are quite long and thin, and he tends to cover his body with baggy clothes. ☆ Official Picture

Background/Personality ★ Korea's past is shrouded in mystery... Seriously. The guy thinks he was almost cooked by his citizens into a traditional Korean dish once upon a time. Now while you're figuring out everything that could possibly be wrong with that statement, Hetalia's stance on a divided Korea is also sketchy. While I'd like to play on the idea that he's a unified Korea, he's shown with the South Korean flag and the Japanese "name" in the canon, 韓国, refers specifically to South Korea.

Now I could bore you with a long shpeal on Korean history -- and I will if you want to ask it from me! -- but I think since he relies heavily on a non-historical setting in the canon and therefore his personality is more profound than his history, that would be more beneficial to touch on the events that I think actually contribute to his personality. Mind you, this is mostly headcanon but damn good headcanon if I say so myself. (I wouldn't put it here if it wasn't, right?)

So let's talk about the Japanese Occupation. Korea really dislikes Japan yet he also admires his things. Many Koreans do feel very hostile toward the Japanese because of the Occupation. In fact, Korea's demand for compensation could be a reference to group of Korean women that have been demanding compensation from the Japanese for the past few years. Although this was a dark time in Korean history, there was a cultural exchange and hegemony that influenced Korea greatly. This explains Korea's dislike for Japan, why he is shown staying at Japan's house, and why he tries to claim his things.

The Korean War followed afterward; the aftermath really changed Korea's and America's relationship. America apparently tried to block out the situation because he doesn't really remember Korea in the canon. On the other hand, Korea remembers all too well. Korea agrees with America out of fear and will go from enthusiastic to quiet and reserved if America speaks a word.

As a world power, Korea went from nothing to a technological superpower in less than a half a century. Believe it or not, Korea has a slightly justified ego after going from "what is LG?" to "Life is Good". This sudden growth might explain an interesting paradox: Korea's actually Japan's older brother historically, but if we throw in this South Korea business, we get a really tall boy who's emotionally younger than Japan. That's my headcanon for you! It's hard to define Korea as unified or only South, but these events, which justify his personality, are relevant to both. Whether South or a mixture of the two, Korea as a person is easy to define.

Yong Soo is an energetic and upbeat individual. He's passionate and loud, sometimes obnoxious, and very physical. He has no qualms showing off his body, walking around with minimal clothing, or touching others. In fact, he practically flaunts his chest at hot springs and expects the same from others. He asks permission just to be polite, but he's so set in his ways that he'll do anything to get his way. He's even threaten to send blackmail videos in Japan's case.

Yong Soo has an ego the size of Seoul's population when it comes to his world class dramas and Hyundai. He claims to have "awesome Korean technology" but most of it is actually just Japan's with a Hyundai sticker over it. He easily says that something does not belong to him when it doesn't work and peels off the sticker, in the case of the defunct ManSee. The kicker? It worked just fine, he just didn't believe it. Yong Soo doesn't move to the world's beat, the world moves to Yong Soo's beat. If the world -- or Japan -- defies him, he'll simply butt in and change the subject to something more pleasing. Like himself.

When it comes to mooching, stealing, or earning, that's that exact order. While he's quick to jump on any free extension of generosity, the case of stealing is a daily occurrence. He's often not the originator as he claims to be. He'll naturally claim karate, hot springs, and other things as his things if nobody stops him. In the case where he finds proof, he'll even demand compensation for this misconception! He's attempted to steal when he can't get his way, such as taking off with Confucius and kanji after visiting his brother Yao over New Year. In a rare strip, he claimed this habit to be his hobby.

Yong Soo has a presence that sucks other in like whirlpool and leaves them in a state of awkwardness. Most of the confusion is caused by his tenancy to say blunt things, in the exact moment and structure the thoughts formulate in his head. Threatening to XXX is but one example. It doesn't help that he jumps to his own conclusions and accepts them as the sole truth. For one thing, he interprets things extremely wrong, like his conception that his elder brother Yao loves him so and treasures him so. To say the least, it's caused Yao more than a few gray hairs when Yong Soo constantly thinks everything is a heartfelt gift of recognition...and automatically assumes he can take his reward. He's persistent, nosey, and freezes up when things don't go according to plan.

Despite his quirks, he's polite and respectful to elders, having a proper disposition to those socially superior. Those that don't know him would mistake him for the calm, cool looking man that appears in his photos (which were taken while he was asleep). For the most part, he becomes serious with work and will focus his complete attention when it is demanded of him. For how long, nobody can really say.

Have you read up on how the game works? ★ FlamingFerret. AKA THE DOUBLE F, HURR HURR. Okay, not really. I made that up because I'm oh so original. Uhh, oh yeah. And Korea can earn money, in order of probability, by: mooching, stealing, or earning himself through odd jobs or official missions.

Journal ★ Hey! So the Earth was destroyed, huh. No problem! The Earth originated in me so I'll just make another one! This time I'll call it Hyundai World. Leave it to me, yo!

But for now, why don't we make it feel a little bit like a vacation? I was thinking that a pina colada with an umbrella straw would taste really good right now. Since I'll be saving the world like in one of my super amazing blockbuster hits, I'll really need it, right? I can't waste time finding something like that... And so, you're in charge of bringing it to me! Drop it by my room, okay? Charge it to Japan!

Log ★ Quick! The world is ending! What's the one thing you take? For Korea, that answer was immediate: a couple of packs of kimchi from his fridge. Since he already had his phone on him, it didn't count as that one thing, right? ("By the way, my service would works up here, right?") Without it, he might have claimed to go insane. Oh, and that other thing in his pocket, a picture of him and Japan drinking tea. Obviously it was proof that tea came from Korea. And by the way Japan reached over to pour Korea some tea, Korea was pretty sure it also demonstrated how Japan tried running off with his tea.

Things were going to be different from now on, he knew it. For one thing, he was going to xerox this picture and post it all over the spaceship he would call home for the next who-knew-how-long. And another thing! He was going to make sure everybody knew about the Wonder Girls' latest single! Since it wouldn't have the time to sell the copies into a platinum hit (he knew it would go platinum if it had the chance!), he'd just have to show everybody on board what exactly they were missing.

That was exactly what Korea intended to do. The easiest way, of course, was to barge into the visual and audio control room and broadcast it over the intercom. While the supervisor there was not too willing to let Korea do as he pleased, he used the five seconds before he was dragged away to hold the microphone close and yell, "Listen up, everybody!" Luckily his grappling with the supervisor earned him enough time for the song to play in its entirely, his wailing of how amazing it was and who to contact for a copy echoing at the end.

Questions? QUICK!THE WORLD IS ENDING! Do you save pirates or cowboys?
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject SINCE YOU INSIST. :<

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