okayokay so. I. Thought I woke up late today? Because I got up and I felt overslept (LOL does that even make sense?), but I checked my clock and it was only 6:30am and I was like, "... =A=" and just went back to bed.
But. When I woke up at 7:20, my... roomies were nowhere to be found. Which is weird, because they usually sleep until 7:45. So. I was like "oh god what if there are zombies outside".
I'm not even kidding. That was the leap of logic I made. |: And the thing that was worse that while I was like, "ohshitohshit" for a little bit, I quickly went to, "...omg what would the zombie apocalypse look like? 8D"
I just. DON'T EVER GET STUCK IN THE APOCALYPSE WITH ME. I would panic and freak out and cry for a while... and then I would get used to it, and wander off on my own. |8 So just. ajsdnfekrj it's weird that despite how motherly I apparently am, I... actually forget about myself? LOL. Well.
Also I have detention tonight! I hope I don't forget!!
And before you go "TSUNA WHAT DID YOU DO" or "MANRII WTF" or "ARIEL YOU ARE SUCH A HELLION" ... it's only 'cause I have a terrible memory, don't worry. 8D I just forgot to go to a meeting with the Dean of Students a few days ago and he had to reschedule it and now I have detention wahoo. It's not bad though so whatever.
Although I will not object to being called a hellion! It makes me feel kind of cool.
Anyway. A girl got expelled recently for... flipping off her orchestra conductor. |: And like. I understand it's rude, and all, but at the same time, Peter is infamously... He's rude, verbally abusive to his players, and he has a huge ego. /: And just. Camille is a really good student, and a nice person. A lot of my friends were friends with her. I personally don't... really feel upset or happy about it; I just kind of don't care (wow apathy hello).
But the point is that - everyone in our office - including the Dean of Students and the Director of Residential Life and the Dean of ... whateverthehellJohnNewmandoes - told Camille that she'd get back in fine. But they weren't on her judicial, and apparently... someone on the judicial, like. Just spoke so harshly against Camille that Camille actually got expelled? And it's stupid. I mean, yeah, what she did was rude and whatnot, but holy shit come on. Students here do things that are so much worse and just. What the hell.
I mean, last year, there were potheads and whatever that got back in - students who missed class all the time, didn't do any work, and just - I don't get it. I'm hoping she'll get back in, just because so many people are so ridiculously pissed, and there's not a very good vibe in the school right now. Half the people don't give a shit and are getting sick of hearing about it, and the other half is outraged and won't stop talking about how unfair it is and like. I understand it's unfair and stuff, but. Raging at the faculty can't help the situation, right? /: >
Well, whatever happens, it'll be sorted.
...O-on a less ~school oriented~ note!
Hello to um,
x_gh0st_x ! <3 I'm... probably going to end up calling you Kid, just so you know. ajndkjrnfk habitssss.
AND THIS IS REALLY LATE BUT I forgot to say welcome to
brojob and
supafly when I became friends with them and ajsdnfkrjgnke I'm so sorry ahhhhh. I love you both I swear. D:
SO YEAH WELCOME. S-sorry my journal doesn't really have one ~neat~ intro post - I should probably do that - but um. I kind of live by the "you'll get to know me as we go" philosophy. 8D I do have intro posts linked in my profile BUT those are long and I ramble so.
TALKING TOO MUCH wtf nothing's even happened today.
I'm sorry I'm so boring you guys. |: Seriously.
-wanders, rattles chains-
Anyway I'm going to go back to watching Let's Plays and other dorky stuff like that. And maybe singing.