I'm still squeeing inside!! 8D We just opened our presents and hour ago (and I have 20+ entries to go through right now GOOD LORD I will manage somehow)!
I-I got the first three DVDs of Durarara!!, pre-ordered! ;w; And my subscription to Shounen Jump renewed, a-and some video games and Sims 3 and AHHHHHHH the first DVD of Oofuri!! I'm so close to crying from happiness!
I also got this bag w-with Tsubasa Sakura and Li on it! It's so pretty, I love it. A-and this pillow! OMG. It has Shizuo and Kasuka clinking milk bottles together on it and ahhhh it's so soft I'M SO HAPPY. ;w;
Anyway! Merry Christmas to everyone!! I will catch up with things at some point! ;w;
And thank you to everyone who sent cards asndfkjtnhrklgn!! I-I got Jubi's (
jubilee_berry), Anne's (
starsbright), and Rafi's (
rafira)!! I was so giddy when I saw each of them, I squealed and danced around and I was smiling like an idiot. xDD
Thank you all of you! I'm so happy!!
I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas!! ;w; I love everyone~