Dec 09, 2010 10:41


1) Make an entry with the filled out form
2) Have your f-list describe in the comments how they pronounce your username, what they originally thought it said/meant

✩ manriicabaeju

man - ree - cah - baa - eh - jew

Mostly because of the lulz. I was watching Junjou Romantica at the time I made this account, so - I ended up using something that really amused me from the show. Namely, Junjou Terrorist, when Shinobu is trying to cook, and all he seems to be able to cook over and over is, like ... cabbage stir-fry or something? Anyway, the seme comments on it and is like, "why", basically, and Shinobu said SOMETHING about, like... cabbage being manly and how he was going to keep trying until he could cook it right and - idk. It made me laugh, and I was still lol'ing over it when I made my LJ so THERE WE GO.
I are so original.

Uhhh. Manrii is just another way of spelling "manry", which is the Japanese way of saying "manly". 'Cause Engrish makes me lol.
Then, same for cabaeju. It's the Engrish spelling of "cabbage".

I know some people couldn't say my name before, so. xD I guess this would be helpful? I dunno.
SO THERE WE GO. I jumped on the bandwagon.

PS, I'm feel so much better, guys. :'D Not even in pain today.
... -knocks on wood-

meme, pretty cool dude, bandwagoning is awesome, okay cool, lol me, cool story bro

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