Nov 01, 2010 14:00

K SO...
I had this dream that I was sitting in a room with medium chesnut wooden floors, and there was a spotlight on me and the person sitting in front of me. I couldn't see much else in the room; just faint shapes and gray and blah blah, SO... the person sitting in front of me was Crispin Freeman...?? I don't know.
The point is, he started asking me a bunch of questions, so I was answering them in the dream. And I don't remember all of them, but I will type them up here. Woo.

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Where are you from?
4. What was your first dubbed anime? What was your first subbed anime?
5. Name some of your favorite animes (and I do mean anime):
6. Is there a voice actor that's in all/most of them? A voice actress?
7. Do you have any dubs that you like, or just think are really good?
8. Any dubs that you absolutely hate, or just don't think are very good?
9. Can you think of any dubs that are better (in your opinion) than the original Japanese?
10. Who are some of your favorite voice actors? Actresses?
11. Any voice actors or actresses you don't like?
12. How about favorite male seiyuus? Female?
13. Any male or female seiyuus you don't like?
14. Would you like to be a voice actor/actress?
15. If you would or wouldn't, explain why.
16. What kind of voices are you skilled at doing? You can provide a sample if you want.
17. What kind of voices would you like to learn to do?
18. Who is a character you've always wanted to voice that you would still be able to voice?
19. Who is a character that you would have wanted to voice, but are no longer able (license/voice change/ect.)?
20. Is there a character you would hate to voice, but think your voice would suit?
21. Have you ever been told you sound like a certain character?
22. Do you have any career choices you could fall back on if voice acting didn't work out?

And... I think those were all the questions. I don't know; I can't remember everything he asked me. I do remember a lot of stuttering, though, and my shoulders up at my ears. LOL.
Even my dream self knows I would be a nervous wreck in front of someone like that. I don't particularly like Crispin Freeman, but I definitely respect him as an actor, oh man.

Anyways.. I will probably fill this out. Even though the fact that there are 22 questions kind of irks my OCD side...
For right now, though, I need to read some workshop stories and write letters to the authors, ahahah.

why am i not doing my homework, wut, oh god, meme, dubbing, i just don't even know, random, herpaderp, voice acting

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