Oct 11, 2010 20:54
1. Name: Ariel.
2. Age: 16.
3. Will you answer all questions truthfully: Why not.
4. You may start: Cool.
5. Are you single: Not exactly... but uh. It's really complicated.
6. Are you happy: Hahah, in general? Sure, I guess so.
7. Are you bored: Mmm… nope, not really. But I’m probably about to be, since I’m gonna finish up some homework soon.
8. Are you sad: Not at the moment.
9. Are you Italian: Nope.
10. Are you German: Nuh-uh.
11. Are you Asian: Lol I wish. No, I’m kidding. But no, I’m not. At all.
12. Are you angry: Generally? Yeah. I’m pretty irritable most of the time, even though I actually am a lot of fun to hang out with, so I’m told.
13. Are you Irish: No, but I am British. Welsh, to be exact.
14. Are your parents still married: Hahahah, my parents weren’t ever married. I don’t even live with ‘em. I live with my gramma, and my mom’s off in Texas, and my dad… well, we don’t know anything about him LOL. Yep.
15. Birth Place: Leamington, Ontario, Canada.
16. Hair Color: Brown-black, some gold streaks and natural reddish/brown highlights. People don’t shut up about my hair sometimes; it’s really annoying/embarrassing, because I don’t much like my hair.
17. Eye color: Dark brown. Although my mom says they look black.
18. Birthday: March 1st, 1994. Same exact day and year as Justin Beiber… and we’re both Canadian… Ffff. On a different note, since Jubi mentioned she’s a Gemini, I’m a Pisces. And I’m like a poster girl for Pisces. …Which isn’t always a good thing.
19. Mood: Eh? Usually? I guess I’m pretty irritated or pretty chipper. Honestly, I don’t know. A lot of people seem to be intimidated by me because I always look so serious, but it’s just because I’m listening to music and thinking. xD; I’m actually pretty good-natured. But I guess I’m more mellow/laid-back than cheerful.
20. Gender: Female. Yep.
21. Lefty or Righty: I’m right-handed.
22. Summer or Winter: I prefer Winter, because I can curl up inside and be warm, or I can go outside for the rush of cold. I’m really going to miss being in Virginia because of the nice snow and the seasons…
23. Morning or Afternoon: Ughuguhguhugh. I have to pick one? Hnnngh. I’ll say afternoon just because I’m more awake and upbeat.
24. Are you in love: …I’m having my doubts, to be honest. I really really care about Kelsey, but I don’t know how much I love her anymore. It’s difficult for me to say because sometimes I feel like I do, and sometimes I feel like I’m just talking to a friend. And I still think about Erica so much that I don’t know. And I also don't know how to approach this situations because of how difficult it was for me to get over Erica at all.
25. Do you believe in love at first sight: People are going to find me stupid for this, I’m sure, but I do actually think this can happen. 26. Who ended your last relationship: Erica did, hahah. I mean, I’m the one who officially announced we were over and told everyone not to mention it because I didn’t want to talk about it, but… she’s the one who stopped speaking to me for God knows what reason. Hahah. It’s… still a bit awkward for me to talk about. Geez..
27. Have you ever been hurt: By love? Yeah. Too many times.
28. Have you ever broken someone’s heart: Um. Yes. As many times as she broke mine, I’ve broken Kelsey’s before. And I’m sorry for that. There’ve also been several people on the internet who’ve been… creepy… so I don’t count them because they turned into, like. Stalkers. When I turned them down.
29. Are you friends with your ex: Erica… I wish. I really do. I miss her so much that it makes me want to hit something sometimes. But even though I’ve tried to talk to her again, she just doesn’t reply.
30. Are you afraid of commitment: …Why would I be? If you’re going to be with someone, there’s no point in not being committed.
31. Have you hugged someone within the last week?: Whitney, Amber, Becky, Connor… probably some other people…
32. Have you ever had a secret admirer: Ahhh… yes, actually. I’m fairly certain I’ve had one. But I’m also fairly certain it was a joke LOL.
33. Have you ever broken your own heart?: I-what. Um. …Eh?
34. Love or Lust: Love…? Although lust is funny for me to write about. It makes me laugh for some reason. LOLOL.
35. Lemonade or Iced tea: Depends.
36. Cats or Dogs: I think I’m more of a dog person by this point. Yeah. -has three-
37. A few best friends or many regular friends: I already have a few best friends LOL. Jessi, Whitney, Connor and Lauren, to name most of them.
38. Television or Internet: LOL internet. Definitely the internet.
39. Pepsi or Coke: Hmm. I think Coke.
40. Wild night out or romantic night in: Hmm. I’m a romantic person even though I’m a total awkward person, and I’m naturally not very social IRL, so romantic night in.
41. Pink or Purple: Um… normally, I’d say purple. But pink is nice sometimes, too.
42. Day or Night: Night… I’m such a night owl that it’s not good. xD;
43. IM or Phone: I like talking to Jessi over the phone, but I talk to most people over some form of IM. It’s just nicer.
44. Been caught sneaking out: I don’t sneak out. …I can’t sneak out. The dorms are alarmed. xD;;
45. Fallen off the stairs: Pretty sure I have.
46. White water rafted: Yeah. It was fun.
47. Finished an entire jawbreaker: Um… yeah, pretty sure I’ve finished several.
48. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?: Yes. Something. Like, meeting certain voice actors, becoming a voice actress, some posters/video games/other objects. Yeah.
49. Prank called a store: I think I might have at a birthday party.
50. Skipped School: Hmmm. I’ve skipped some PE classes, but generally I really hate missing classes.
51. Wanted to disappear: …Yeah. But those were really bad circumstances.
52. Last Phone Call: Jessi~~
53. Last phone call you received: Mah mommy. o:
54. Last person you hung out with: Whitney. Like usual. LOL. ilovewhitney~ <3
55. Last person you hugged: I’m pretty sure it was Whitney.
56. Last person you IM'ed: I'm IMing Jessi right now. =w=
57. Last thing you ate: Dinner. :U
58. Last thing you drank: UMMM... gingerale with fruit punch in it. YEAH SO HEALTHY.
59. Last site you went to: lolhere. And then Gmail.
60. Last place you were: …Bathroom??
why am i not doing my homework,
i hate having to wait for manga day,
questionaire thingie,