Nov 08, 2007 21:09
Some things that are pissing me off right now:
Lately I've been getting more into feminism, and the more I read, the more horrified I am. Not at the feminists, but at what we're fighting and how much it isn't working and how fucking stupid people are. Most recently, I'm really sick of this boys-will-be-boys attitude, especially in regards to rape and alcohol. Yes, young women should know the cold fact that if they get drunk, rape is more likely. However, why the hell are we not heavily impounding in men the sentiment that if they drink or if a woman drinks, it is still NOT okay to make her have sex with them? Why should women who decide they'd like to get sauced occasionally have to worry about being raped? Men who decide to get drunk certainly don't. Boys don't have to be fucking boys. I don't care what your horomones are doing, restrain yourself! On that same line of thought, not only does no mean no, only yes means yes. It is not okay to have sex with someone who is not able to say 'yes' because they are passed out, drunk, asleep, in a coma, mute, what-fucking-ever. It is also not okay to have sex with someone who was initially okay with it, but isn't anymore. I don't care if they jumped your bones--if they don't want to anymore, get the fuck out and away.
Oh, and also for feminism, I saw a video of a couple women in a car who took a really long time to back out of a parking spot, and of course, there was a huge influx of "oh, haha, women can't drive, look, they're dumb." It just made me angry. I immediately thought of my mother who has panic disorder and couldn't drive properly for years, and of course it had nothing to do with her being a woman--lots of men have panic disorder. She wasn't as bad as the video in regard to backing out, but she did take a while. Watching the video, one doesn't know if those people had a similar problem or if they had some other issue or ... shit, it doesn't even matter. You really couldn't tell what was going on, and thus should fucking shut your mouth.
Unrelated to feminism, I think the Barack Obama thing with the flag pin and the hand that may or may not go over his heart during pledges and anthems is ridiculous. He may be young but he's not stupid. He or someone on his campaign must be aware that purposefully not doing this gesture would be detrimental to his standing. Therefore, it would have to be an accident. Therefore, shut up.
Oh, and my dad and grandma were bashing Hillary. Now, she's not my pick, but some of the things (I can't remember them now) they were saying were ridiculous. I would defend the current president if I thought the allegations were wrong. Oh, they said something about her having tantrums in the white house. For one thing, tantrum is a very subjective word. For another, I think her husband cheating on her is grounds for a tantrum. Oh, and lastly, my grandma doesn't keep up with anything and just agrees with my dad all the time and I hate it. Oh, and the called her 'wicked.' What the hell does that even mean? They called her cold-hearted and bunch of stuff. This kind of ties back into feminism, I guess. I mean, you'd never call a man candidate cold-hearted. he would just be... direct, or something. And of course, if she did try to act more feminine, shed be too weak to lead the country. It's also all really ridiculous.